
About the Company
SOFAMEX born as a new mining proposal with a global vision and commitment to the environment. We know the importance of mining for that reason we seek a balance between nature and the extraction of mineral resources.
SOFRAMEX focuses on the exploration, exploitation and mining of copper, iron, manganese and precious metals.
We are a mining group with foreign capital which has its corporate office in the city of Colima. We began operations in 2016 with the project San José mining concession « La Gallina » which is located in Cuautitlán de García Barragán, Jalisco.
One of our competitive advantages is the closeness we have the major port of Manzanillo, Colima; This makes our material transfers are efficient in order to provide customer deliveries and concise set time.
That location opens the doors of the Mexican Pacific with world-class customers.
For us, customers are our family for that reason;
• We give an added value thereby achieving long-term operations.
• We provide quality products that are according to your requirements.
• Eficientamos our production processes in order to achieve high-end minerals.
Our team philosophy is based on « Enterprise Value + Commitment = Success », this concept applies from the CEO to the operational group is working in the mine.
We farsighted managers to close the mining business that arise besides that skilled and responsible work. The most important thing is that we work under exacting standards of efficiency, accountability and commitment to the company.
Please contact below for get more information:

Development Manager Juan Luis Nava Torres
